Posts Tagged: ‘business’

Business Articles – Podcasts – SCORE Business TV

August 10, 2017 Posted by Dennis Zink

407 Business Alchemist (formerly Business SCORE Card) columns from Business Weekly, Herald-Tribune are found in the first link at the top left.

85 Been There, Done That! with Dennis Zink podcasts are immediately below that on the left.

14 SCORE Business TV shows (below) hosted by “The Business Alchemist.”

The intellectual property contained in this website is Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dennis Zink, All rights reserved.  Please contact the author for permission before using.

From The Business Alchemist

SCORE Business TV Shows:

14 Professional Employer Organization (PEO) Benefits

13 Taking on Business Partners

12 Avoid Cyber Attacks!

11 SEO – Search Engine Optimization

10 Social Media for Non Techies

9 Client-Mentor Experience

8 Credit- Finding your Best Lender

7 Buying a Franchise

6 Buying a Business

5 Exiting Your Business Series: The 10-Steps continued

4 Exiting Your Business Series: The 10-Steps to Exiting Your Business

3 Exiting Your Business Series: Business Valuation

2 Exiting Your Business Series: Cashing In

1 Active Shooter


FAQ.Video is our newest initiative. It combines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with video (YouTube) short answers.  Having FAQ’s on your website provide branding opportunities to *showcase your company’s voice *display knowledge about your products and services *help customers make decisions to buy from you by answering their common questions *provide additional links leading customers to relevant information *frees up your customer service team since the most common questions are online to read or to watch (FAQ.Video).

Search engines see FAQs as high-level information sources, improving your SEO results.  Video has a big impact on sales, showcasing products in action, asking for input, introducing staff, demonstrating product use and testimonials. FAQ.Video provides storytelling by humanizing the content. Videos earn the highest rate of engagement.  Fifty-nine percent of executives would rather watch video than read text while four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product then read about it. Eighty percent of of users recall a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days. Here are two links from our SCORE Business TV Show on Buying a Business.  Our Call To Action is to watch the entire TV Show and to call us for more information.

Below are the two links: (This is in BETA)
  1. How to make an offer to buy a business:
  2. How important is having experience in the business space/industry:
These videos are on the SCORE Business TV YouTube channel.
If you want to know more about how your company can benefit from FAQ.Video or want to be included in our upcoming focus group in July, then write to me at

CentRE of Influence is what it is

January 24, 2014 Posted by Dennis Zink

CentRE of Influence is exactly what our name implies it is, namely, a website to influence the behavior of others in a positive, meaningful way.

(According to Webster)

CentER is the middle point or part of something: a person or thing that is causing a lot of interest, argument, etc.: the position of a person or thing that is causing a lot of interest, argument, etc.

CentRE is a British variant of Center.  (We are using this version merely because CentER was already taken.)

Influence is the power to change or affect someone or something: the power to cause changes without forcing them to happen: a person or thing that affects someone or something in an important way.

As a CentRE of Influence, our purpose is to reach the greatest amount of people with interesting information and affect behavior in an important way.  To inspire!

CentRE of Influence podcasts – As host of Been There, Done That! (available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio) a business episodic series of podcasts geared to provide expertise in a variety of topics.  Our goal is simply to help you, the listener, improve your business by learning from industry experts who have Been There, Done That!

Divergent and Convergent thinking:

As a past participant of a CEO Roundtable and a current facilitator of a similar CEO group, I have found that there are basically two ways to look at things, inside-the-box and outside-the-box thinking, basically convergent and divergent thinking respectively.

For example, a business owner may attend an association meeting of like-kind companies from different geographical regions, hence they are willing to share information as they are non-competitive. They will learn about how same industry companies do things in their similar businesses (best practices).  Let’s call this methodology inside-the-box. They look within their industry.

When business owners meet with different types of businesses, they discuss how they do things.  This may open new avenues of thinking in an expansive way across industry lines, Let’s call this methodology outside-the-box.  They look outside their industry.

CentRE of Influence interviews of industry leaders on Been There, Done That!,  seeks to inform listeners by drilling down on topics (convergent) and by asking questions which explore possibilities (divergent) on topics of interest.

If you like what you’re hearing on Been There, Done That!,  we would appreciate you giving us a rating and review on iTunes. This will help our podcasts reach an ever greater audience.

Thank you!

Dennis Zink, Host of Been There, Done That! with Dennis Zink




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